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             德州樹人校友會通訊處 :  texasthonhon@yahoo.com




                                                              德州樹人校友2020年春節聯歡晚會籌備組鳴謝啓事 : 


 2020德州樹人校友春節聯歡晚會已經拉下了帷幕,我們籌備組一年來辛苦策劃,排演,準備諸多工作已經完全實現了,聯歡會圓滿結束,我們也鬆了一口氣。我們最感到興奮的是聽到各方樹人校友的讚賞,都説辦得很亮麗。多謝校友們對我們的愛心。每屆校友聯歡會的舉辦,其目的都在聚集母校的校友,讓同學們重溫昔日同窗溫馨的情誼。這份情誼不是世俗的社會交際,而是純真且高尚的。我們樹人中學尤其特殊,一個城市一間華校,校友簡直是親人。這是校董,校長,老師和同學留給我們的樹人情結。現在越南峴港樹人母校已經具體不存在了,但這份情結隨着樹人子弟的足跡擴遍五洋四海,接繼承傳。本届聯歡會的成功,要歸功於校友們在精神和財政上的支持;南,北加州校友團隊的參與和助興共樂,美國各州樹人校友的熱心赴會,和千里迢迢遠道的澳大利亞,法國,加拿大䓁地校友的歸來,還有親切參加遊輪的同學們。我們籌備組誠懇地向大家道謝。最後我們謹以本屆聯歡會的主題「樹人愛你」向全體校友大聲地説: 愛你,愛你,後會有期!

2020 Texas Tho Nhon Spring Festival Appreciation from the organizers

 Like any journey, the 2020 Texas Tho Nhon Spring Festival has come and gone, but joyfully left us with many fabulous memories. Hard work, endless preparation, and generous devotion lent us the strength to propel this event to a successful and prolific completion. We are thrilled to see the spectacular turnout and the tremendous level of love and support received for the festival. We are so deep in emotion to experience classmates, teachers, staff, and school directors all under the same roof again. We are so excited to continue to hear thanks and blessings coming to us from friends from all over the world. It would not have been a reunion without all of the friends that so generously traveled from far and near to join us. We could not have asked for anything better. A smile happens in a flash, but the memory of that smile will last a lifetime. Memories are the threads that hold together the patchwork of friendship. The purpose of our school reunion is to gather alma mater to relive warm memories and recall the mutual bonds of the old beautiful days. Our friendship is unique, pure, and noble. Tho Nhon High School was unique for being the only Chinese high school in Da Nang, Vietnam. Students, teachers, staff, school directors are bound together like one big happy family. Although the school no longer exists, this special relationship has grown deep and forever in our hearts. The planning committee sincerely appreciate the support of our alumni for their encouragement and financial donations. Big kudos must go to those who volunteered their time and efforts in pulling all events together so successfully. Most importantly, it was a miracle to be surrounded by so many alumni thousands of miles away from our alma mater. The presence of our school directors and teachers, alumni from many different US states, Southern California, Northern California, Australia, France, Britain, Canada, Germany, and others meant everything for this gathering. The classmates who took part in the cruise just added to the enjoyment we had with our alumni. Until we meet again, let’s stand tall together to our theme “Tho Nhon love you”, and wish everyone a happy and healthy 2020!

Donation List 2020

























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